PENABUR Banda Secondary

We are a Cambridge International School and OxfordAQA Centre, located in Bandung Indonesia. As one of BPK PENABUR schools, we put Christian faith, education and character at the heart of our everyday teaching and learning.

We offer international education based on Cambridge International IGCSE and AS/A-Level qualifications and Indonesian National Qualifications to unlock your bright future. 

We also offer OxfordAQA International Extended Project Qualification  (EPQ) to develop transferable skills for our learners' future life, while at the same time preparing the students for university life.

Kami adalah sekolah Cambridge International dan OxfordAQA Centre yang berlokasi di Bandung, Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu sekolah BPK PENABUR, kami menekankan iman, pendidikan dan karakter Kristiani dalam pembelajaran sehari-hari.

Kami menawarkan pendidikan internasional berdasarkan program Cambridge International IGCSE dan AS/A-Level serta Ujian Nasional Indonesia untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah. 

Kami juga menawarkan program International Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) dari OxfordAQA untuk mengembangkan keterampilan yang dapat digunakan oleh para siswa di masa depan, dan mempersiapkan mereka untuk kuliah.


BPK PENABUR 74th Anniversary

BPK PENABUR proudly marked its 74th anniversary with a magnificent chapel service for all the students and teachers of PENABUR Banda, starting from our Kindergarten up to the Secondary School. It is held in our newly renovated hall. The state-of-the-art sound system and impressive lighting effects created a vibrant and immersive experience for all attendees. 

The theme of the celebration, 'Tangguh, Beriman, & Adaptif pada Era Transformasi Digital' ('Resilient, Faithful, & Adaptive in the Digital Transformation Era'), reflects our commitment to growth and innovation. The service was thoughtfully led by Rev. Dr. Albertus Patty from GKI Maulana Yusuf, Bandung, guiding us through a meaningful reflection on the values that drive us forward. 

Happy 74th anniversary, BPK PENABUR!

New students orientation

Our new students’ orientation provides a thorough and fun way of introducing the new students to our school community. Students will explore the school environment, vision, mission, learn about Cambridge examinations, and understand our safeguarding policy. They gain insights into our curriculum and teaching methods, discover the structure of our houses - and also choosing new members - and student council presentation and introduction. 

There are also games and fun physical activities for all the students. The orientation also features an extracurricular activity expo, showcasing the diverse opportunities available. This comprehensive program ensures that every new student feels welcomed, informed, and ready to embark on their educational journey with us.

Exam season is coming

Cambridge Checkpoint, IGCSE and A-level examinations are going to commence soon. The exams will run at the end of April, all the way until June 2024. Let's prepare your best so that you can get the best results. God bless us all.

Chinese New Year Celebration

In a joyous celebration of the Chinese New Year, PENABUR Banda Secondary School buzzed with activity on February 19th, 2024. The air was filled with excitement as students from all four houses came together for a series of events. From the delightful aroma of freshly cooked jiaozi and noodles to the joy of singing Chinese songs, the school was transformed into a vibrant cultural hub. The spirit of competition was alive as students collaborated to decorate their booths and participated in a thrilling angpao hunt. Throughout the day, students reveled in the traditions and immersed themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the event, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Alumni Talk 2024

On February 16, 2024, an engaging online alumni talk brought together Chin Han from National Taiwan University, Joey from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Inez from the University of Glasgow, and Darren from ITB. This event, aimed at current secondary school students, offered valuable insights and advice from individuals who have successfully pursued higher education across the globe.

The alumni panelists shared their personal experiences, highlighting both the joys and challenges of studying abroad. They also discussed the skills and knowledge they believe are crucial for students to develop during their secondary education to prepare them for future academic success. The event offered a unique opportunity for current students to gain valuable perspectives and guidance as they navigate their own educational journeys.

Open Admission

Admission is open starting 1 August 2023. You can go to or click the admission button at the top for enrollment, or contact us via email, Whatsapp or Instagram for further information.

Pendaftaran peserta didik baru sudah dibuka mulai 1 Agustus 2023. Kunjungi atau klik tombol admission di atas untuk mendaftar, atau hubungi kami lewat email, Whatsapp atau Instagram untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Academic Calendar

Vision, Mission, Values


"To be an internationally-minded school that develops learners of excellence in faith, knowledge and service."

"Menjadi lembaga pendidikan berwawasan internasional yang mengembangkan peserta didik yang unggul dalam iman, ilmu dan pelayanan."


“To provide an international education, based on Christian values, enabling learners to be responsible in achieving their potential.”

"Menyediakan pendidikan berstandar internasional, berdasarkan nilai-nilai Kristiani, memampukan peserta didik bertanggung jawab dalam meraih potensi mereka."


Lifelong learning, spirituality, excellence, confidence, responsibility, reflectiveness, innovation, engagement

Contact us:

Jalan Banda 19 - Bandung 40115 - Indonesia

Follow our instagram account @pissecondar

View our YouTube channel at

OxfordAQA Approved Centre - 96197 & Cambridge International School - ID495